Our attention to detail and commitment to learning give us the ability to help you to reach your goals.

Miles B. Gibson, CFP®, CPFA®

Through his experience in the financial services industry, Miles has developed his knowledge of assisting individual clients with setting financial retirement goals and creating actionable plans to reach them. As a Retirement Plan Advisor, Miles is entrusted with servicing retirement plan participants, as well as providing additional financial services. Prior to joining Schneider Downs, Miles served 3 years as an Intelligence Officer with the United States Marine Corps and remains in the Reserves.  

Miles lives in downtown Pittsburgh, PA. He enjoys fitness, playing golf, and spending time with his family and friends.

Professional Licenses & Designations

Certified Financial Planner™ Practitioner

Certified Plan Fiduciary Advisor


B.S. in Finance and Marketing, University of Pittsburgh

Memberships and Associations

Intelligence Officer, United States Marine Corps Reserve

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